Power to be Content – Part 3…
Hi EveryOne,
Hope April has been a good month for you. Though I’ve experienced several flares in the last few weeks, due to the sudden changes in weather, I still always feel content. This Power has been helpful (as well as several others of course 🙂 Working through flares while juggling many different ‘hats’ as an independent publisher can be a challenge, and like any challenge in life, it requires the application of our inner powers in order to succeed… I’m starting to see all challenges as ‘medicine’ for me to heal.
A writer who works with a publishing house keeps writing, while all the other areas are taken care of. An independent writer has to take off the Writers hat once the book is finished (going from hermit-like living for months, to play the role of marketer and distributor) is a huge dose of medicine for me 🙂 Yes, it takes months of collaborating with editor, designer, printer, then preparing and marketing before book comes out – all different hats I must juggle. Fortunate for me, I know I have all my inner resources to help me through :)…
My son (who stayed with us last 6 months) is back on the road, as we will be in 3 weeks. So this has brought other emotions in play and I had to adjust once again and ‘let go’. I think the role of a mother is never-ending, no matter what age your children are – there’s always that attachment. That pull that if ‘unconscious’, can be detrimental to all concerned. Contentment and Detachment have therefore been a wonderful help for all of us. See here’s the key – we never stop getting challenged, we just get better at facing them head-on. The strength in people we often admire, is not from them having been dealt an easy card. But from them having risen to the challenge every time – they don’t victimise themselves, pity themselves or point fingers.
Here are your wonderful contributions – wow you guys simply keep inspiring me – THANK YOU!
– Many found Contentment a more of a challenge than easy, but enjoyed becoming more aware of this ability within……………………… (Recognition is always the first step, wonderful!)
– Counting blessings and thankful for the little stuff and simply waking each morning brings joy to many……………………… (We often miss the little things – gratitude is Self Love).
– Acceptance of ‘down’ days is equally important as acceptance of ‘good’ days………………. (Beautiful!)
– Some are grateful for this groups (as am I) helping them with contentment and strengthening this inner power – calling it a “life line”…………………….. (Awesome!)
– Contentment can’t be taken away from us without our permission…………(Absolutely)
– Resonated with some and working with their new understanding of happiness and contentment ……………….. (Wow, fantastic)
– Remaining content in the midst of change – understanding the possibility o still remaining content, regardless …………………… (This is wonderful, as life is continually changing 🙂
– Recognising that “freaking out” doesn’t help any situation…………. (Fantastic!)
– “Facing external stuff” helps with contentment ……………. (Yes, definitely my experience too)
– Several found meditation really helps with practicing their Powers………….. (This is so great, keep up the wonderful work)
– Some have begun to see the benefit in ‘baby steps’ as to not drastically fluctuate with the ups and downs of life, but remaining stable within small steps, is doable…….. (Wow, great!)
– Found this “clear and transparent” to help identify definition of true happiness (internal), recognising their own inner ability to stay happy and content at any moment……….. (Another huge WOW, thank you for your self commitment)
– Many loved this power and recognised they’ve been ‘practicing’ this for a long time, but now understanding difference between happiness and contentment, has made this clearer for them……………. (So wonderful to hear 🙂
Thank you everyone, next Power will be out next couple of days, but it’s another beautiful one. One I’m sure many will get great benefit from practicing 🙂
Much love Annemarie x