Power to be Cheerful – Part 4…
Hi everyone,

Our last week in Leura before heading off to WA 🙂 Though we will miss our place here and have been told many times that our ‘cheerful’ faces will be missed also… Still, life continues and with a new year comes much newness – if we allow it. So embracing the new and letting go of the old is a good motto to have in order to remain cheerful and unafraid. I don’t think much else needs to be said about this wonderful Power and I’m aware that many are away or simply having time off, so I will keep this email short. Thank you for those who made effort to respond – here are your contributions 🙂

– A wonderful Power for many………………….. (Excellent to hear)

– Some admitted to struggling with being cheerful at this time of year…… (You are not alone – it gets better 🙂

– Some are finding that it now goes against their nature to be anything but cheerful – someone mentioned they are 95% cheerful……. (Wonderful!)

– Many are cheerful because they appreciate their life and are able to uplift others most of the time……….. (Fantastic to hear – keep up the great work)

– Many find these emails uplifting as it helps them stay cheerful…….. (thank you so much for the feedback, it uplifts me to write them 🙂

– Not judging others who don’t look cheerful – keeping in mind that they don’t know their story. Instead giving them a “simple, honest compliment” to cheer them up…………… (This is beautiful and very thoughtful!)

— Here are some ways some cheer themselves up – banning self criticism (several mentioned this one in some form); dancing to loud music; listening to favorite music – really loud; walking through parks with lots of fragrant, colorful flowers; swimming in the ocean; enjoying chai latte / coffee / icecream; watching a good movie; practicing union through any form of yoga; simply being ok with things; accepting who and where they are; laughter with friends; playing with young children; building sand castles; appreciating the moment…………… (Wow, such wonderful things – thank you again for sharing)

Did you know that a new moon starts on 1st January – what a very auspicious time for change)…. To welcome a new moon, be conscious of the things and people you wish to let go off, then simply leave it all behind in 2013 – close the door firmly and take a confident, courageous, cheerful step into 2014…. And may you all be happy, healthy and make many wise decisions and choices in 2014 🙂

Much love Annemarie – see you in the new year – I wonder which Power awaits us…

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