Power of Self Confidence – Part 4….

Hi everyone,

Thanks once again to those making effort to not only put our wonderful powers into practice, but to give their time to share their stories – it takes courage and determination so thank you. It’s no different for my part also, to share many of my life experiences (which often I would prefer not to talk about) takes courage and determination – but how else do we learn if we don’t give the examples and the proof. So you as individuals, the proof as they say, ‘is in the pudding’ – result is seen where effort is made (no matter how subtle and no matter how slow) – simply keep going and the results will proof themselves. From my own experience, the more I practice and the more I share, the more I learn and grow.

To demonstrate, I thought I would share below my facebook post of today – for those who don’t have facebook. (For those who do, feel free to visit facebook.com/willtowonder for daily inspiration (and remember to ‘like’ it).

When I learn, I grow…
When I grow, I change…
When I change, I teach others…
When I teach others, I learn…

When I learn, I grow…
When I grow, I change…
When I change, I teach others…
When I teach others, I learn…

When I learn………………………..

Life is all about cycles – spinning positive or negative cycles is up to you, because……

When I don’t learn, I shrink…
When I shrink, I don’t change…
When I don’t change, I judge others…
When I judge others, I don’t learn…

When I don’t learn, I shrink…
When I shrink, I don’t change…
When I don’t change, I judge others…
When I judge others, I don’t learn…

When I don’t learn………………………

Here are your contributions…

– Many admitted to fluctuating – more often than not allowing others to dictate the terms……. (Good recognition, keep going 🙂

– Many identified self sabotage and self compromise to please others………….. (This is fantastic, well done!)

– Many find this Power their biggest challenge………………… (Simply keep going, it gets easier)

– Struggling with self doubt and not believing in self…………….. (Very common but doesn’t need to remain, we are all beautiful Souls, we just need to remember and practice)

– Some are starting to realise the Power of knowing when to use which Power…………………. (Wonderful)

– Remembering their ‘enormous power’ helps them keep control of their mind and on track and not driven by others…………… (So good to hear)

– Using their different powers, helps with anxiety……………… (Beautiful, me too 🙂

– Someone shared a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche “He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how”…………….. (One of my favorite quotes, so true)

– Many appreciate my sharing (especially at times of difficulty) and use it as inspiration to help them help others………………….. (Yessssssss – this demonstrates my post above 🙂

– Several are noticing change within themselves – they thank me and though I appreciate it, they really need to thank themselves – I’m just the guide, they are doing the work………….. (Love it!)

– Using their Confidence to ‘step up and do public speaking’…………….. (Woohoo!)

– Using many other Powers to help them stay on track – particularly, Power of Determination……………. (Yes, one of my favorite powers too 🙂

Stay tuned for our next Power for the month of March (1st month of autumn so another good time to let go of old stuff, before we snuggle in for winter) – lots of love always, Annemarie

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