Monthly newsletters about living a happy healthy successful life. Creating and sustaining harmonious relationships. About self transformation.

To keep your cool does take practice but it’s not as difficult as we want to believe. It just takes a bit of personal effort, so please don’t dismiss it as ‘too hard’ or ‘but you don’t understand’. We’ve ALL had ‘stuff’ happen in our lives, no-one is exempt from pain or anguish in the Iron Age. The key is focus on how we respond, not wait till we react! To catch ourselves (our thoughts and inner language) early before we lose control of them. To check in with ourselves on a regular basis…

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Stepping Into Your Own is about owning your lot as a means to transform any painful situation. It means to cop it on the chin - the good, the bad, the in-between - and say yes, I’m responsible! This is not to be mistaken with being weighed down with ‘worldly responsibility’ but instead, to be able to respond in a positive and uplifting way - to whatever life throws at me.

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Life is a continual learning curve, with some curves steeper than others. At the end of one chapter and the start of a new one, there can certainly be mixed emotions. But when we immerse into being (in order to keep doing) we can finish one phase and start the next without regret - fulfilled and satisfied - knowing we did our best. A washing machine will agitate clothes to get them clean. Don’t let life ‘agitate’ you till you stop and pay attention. When we come clean with our own stuff ‘life’ stops being the problem. When we understand and accept life’s processes we can learn to take the good with the bad and over time, turn negative into positive.

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You know, we each have a right to succeed in life but we must find our own way, no-one can tell us what that success should look like. That’s not to say that we can’t accept support, of course we can. The important thing to remember is to check our direction. Sure, it’s easier to turn the other way and blame others for our failure, but there’s no joy in that. When we focus on the many shadows in life our inner light becomes a mere flicker - nevertheless it always shines! So we have a choice…

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Firstly, let me re-assure you that no matter how bad life gets, we can never lose our true identity (we just lose our way in the daily roles we play). Secondly, when we refuse to be defined by labels, life stops snagging us and we stop ‘losing’ ourselves. Thirdly, when we stop giving others permission to minimise our worth, they will stop minimising our worth! Fourthly, when we stand in self-respect (through love and self awareness) we reclaim our power, we reconnect with our eternal identity and we stop living in fear.

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